About Us


Farming is extremely important in India, supporting the economy and feeding a large section of the population. Agriculture employs more than 50% of the Indian workforce and accounts for approximately 17-18% of the country’s GDP. The sector is critical for food security since it provides staples like rice, wheat, and pulses, as well as a wide range of fruits, vegetables, and spices that are essential to the Indian diet. Beyond food production, agriculture provides support for adjacent businesses like as textiles and dairy, as well as rural livelihoods and cultural heritage. Despite their importance, farmers in India frequently experience exploitation and a variety of obstacles. The majority of farmers are small and marginal, and they face challenges such as land fragmentation, insufficient credit, and limited market access. The continued use of traditional farming methods, along with poor infrastructure, impedes production and sustainability. Farmers frequently suffer from agricultural market volatility, with food prices varying dramatically due to factors such as weather conditions, pest infestations, and policy changes. Climate change is exacerbating the situation, as unpredictable weather patterns and extreme events like as droughts and floods become more regular, affecting crop production and farmer incomes directly.


Realizing the difficulties faced by farmers, Mr. G. Mustafa took the initiative to support and guide farmers, enabling them to diversify their income, receive better yields, adapt modern farming techniques and also stand for their rights. Over the 15 years of his service, Mr. Golam Mustafa has been responsible for coordinating the agricultural supply chain of about 70,000 farmers, convinced 200 farmers to cultivate coffee, something that was unheard of in the regions of Darjeeling, 100 farmers to get into floriculture and several hundreds into other forms of animal culturing. He has established a whopping number of 75 Farmer Producer Company, mostly in the Sundarban region of West Bengal. His work on improving the lives of farmers has significantly impacted the economic development of the sector.




Mr. Golam Mustafa was born in Kolkata, West Bengal. His early years were spent in a supportive but tough atmosphere, which formed his personality and future goals. He went on to earn a BA degree, which gave him a strong foundation in the humanities and social sciences. Recognizing the expanding importance of technology, he also took a Computer Education Course & event management, which provided him with crucial skills that would later prove beneficial in his efforts to improve his neighborhood. Throughout his childhood, he was heavily inspired by the socioeconomic hardships that the inhabitants of his town and adjacent areas experienced. These encounters instilled empathy and a strong desire to make a difference, prompting him to launch the Hemnagar Sundarban Dream NGO. His early life, marked by education and a commitment to community service, laid the groundwork for his future endeavors in social work and rural development.



The Sundarbans, a huge mangrove ecosystem located at the delta of the Ganges, Brahmaputra, and Meghna rivers, had one of its most destructive natural catastrophes in 2009: Cyclone Aila. This terrible catastrophe wreaked havoc on the area, known for its inaccessible highlands and proximity to deep woods teeming with wildlife, including the famous Bengal tigers. The cyclone’s wrath left a wake of devastation, displacing thousands and destroying homes, crops, and livelihoods. Mr. Golam Mustafa was strongly moved by the plight of the afflicted populations and determined to act. He and a small group of friends ventured into the heart of the Sundarbans to bring critical relief supplies. As they negotiated the difficult terrain and waterways, they witnessed the villagers fighting to restore their lives.  The devastation was severe; entire towns were cut off from basic necessities, and the threat of wildlife, notably tigers, exacerbated their daily problems. During their relief efforts, Mustafa and his colleagues witnessed the hard realities that these communities faced. They met women who, in addition to the disaster’s consequences, were victims of marital violence and lacked possibilities for employment and financial independence. This incident had a tremendous impact on him, instilling a strong desire to effect meaningful change.


By 2012, his determination had been translated into action with the establishment of the Hemnagar Sundarban Dream NGO. His mission was clear: to help and raise the most vulnerable people in these isolated locations and to improve the conditions of farmers in this area, whose main occupation and livelihood was agriculture and farming.


The NGO concentrated on delivering both urgent help and long-term solutions to the afflicted populations. He launched several projects aimed at empowering women, assisting farmers, and promoting sustainable development. His activities included teaching women to tailor and supplying them with required supplies such as fabric and sewing machines. Furthermore, the NGO played a critical role in educating farmers about modern agricultural techniques, soil testing, and market access, resulting in increased productivity and income. His comprehensive approach allowed Sundarbans residents to rebuild their lives with dignity and hope, turning adversity into a chance for growth and resilience.






Mr. Golam Mustafa’s Hemnagar Sundarban Dream NGO made great contributions to the agricultural community by developing a farmer producer company. The company’s founding goal was to bridge the gap between farmers and larger consumer markets, ensuring that their products reached a larger customer base and enhancing export potential. His NGO used an intermediary strategy to coordinate numerous operations in the agriculture supply chain. This support system was critical, as individual farmers frequently failed to locate dependable markets and buyers for their products. By enabling links with exporters and domestic markets, the farmer producer firm ensured that farmers could sell their goods at affordable prices, maximizing revenues. There are multiple groups of farmers under this scheme for better flow of processes. Currently, the number of groups stands at 65, with each group having around 1000 farmers. In total, they have collaborated with about 65,000-75,000 farmers all over the states in a number of districts.


Many farmers were unaware of the most effective measures for maintaining soil health and increasing crop yields. His NGO did extensive soil testing, providing farmers with detailed information about their soil’s state and required amendments. This knowledge enabled farmers to adopt more educated and productive agricultural techniques, lowering their dependency on chemical fertilizers and boosting environmentally friendly farming methods. The NGO assisted farmers in improving crop quality and quantity by relieving them of the burden of properly acquiring and applying fertilizers. The farmer producer firm also played an important role in managing the distribution of fertilizers and other vital inputs, ensuring that farmers received what they needed on time and at a reasonable price.




Mr. Golam Mustafa’s Hemnagar Sundarban Dream NGO made groundbreaking progress in introducing coffee farming to the Darjeeling region, which is traditionally known for its tea farms. This unique effort sought to diversify the local agricultural economy and give farmers with new revenue streams. Coffee was introduced as a viable crop, and the results have been desirable. He began the process by funding the materials and resources required for coffee cultivation. Recognizing the potential of Darjeeling’s climate and terrain for coffee production, he persuaded local farmers to plant coffee beans on spare land near their homes. This strategy not only used otherwise idle land, but it also reduced risk for farmers by incorporating coffee cultivation into their previous agricultural practices. As a result of these initiatives, over 200 farmers are currently actively engaged in coffee farming in Darjeeling. The transition from traditional tea to coffee has created additional revenue sources and reduced economic dependence on a single crop. The introduction of coffee has also helped to alleviate some of the issues associated with tea growing, such as fluctuating market prices and over-reliance on a single agricultural crop. The success of coffee farming in Darjeeling has helped not only individual farmers, but also the region’s whole economy. His idea diversified the agricultural landscape, making the local economy more resilient and adaptive to market shifts.




Floriculture has always been a minor agricultural industry in Darjeeling area due to environmental and logistical constraints. However, his vision and determination resulted in the effective introduction and growth of flower agriculture, particularly Gerbera flowers, in the region. The journey began when he recognized the potential for floriculture in Bengal. Despite initial rejection from institutions such as Lucknow’s National Botanical Research Institute (NBRI), he recognized an opportunity to introduce and nurture Gerbera flowers, which are known for their brilliant colors and market demand. He took it upon himself to convince the NBRI to invest in West Bengal, highlighting the region’s favorable conditions for floriculture and the socio-economic benefits it could bring to local farmers. His approach was meticulous and comprehensive. He began the floriculture mission by educating and training local farmers in the cultivation techniques required for Gerbera flowers. This floriculture mission began with the participation of approximately 100 farmers. He supplied them all the resources they required, including high-quality seeds, fertilizers, and equipment. He also built a support system to help farmers through the entire agriculture process, from planting to harvest. This comprehensive method ensured that farmers could obtain great yields while maintaining the quality of their produce.




One of the innovative initiatives undertaken by Mustafa’s NGO is the production of jam from locally available fruits. The Darjeeling region is rich in diverse fruits, many of which are underutilized. He identified this potential and initiated the process of training local women in jam production. The NGO provided the necessary equipment and resources, including fruit processing units and packaging materials. This initiative not only created a new source of income for the local women but also added value to the abundant fruit resources of the region. The jams produced were marketed locally and in neighboring areas, gaining popularity for their quality and unique flavors. The success of this initiative has empowered many women, providing them with financial independence and improving their socio-economic status.




  1. Fish farming, or aquaculture and Crab farming, has been a primary focus of his efforts. Recognizing the region’s natural affinity for water-based activities, the NGO introduced scientific fish culture practices. These practices included training farmers on sustainable fish farming techniques, ensuring better yields and healthier fish. The NGO also facilitated access to quality fish feed and necessary equipment, enabling farmers to optimize their production.

One of the notable achievements in aquaculture was the introduction of crab culture in the Sundarbans. The region’s unique environment is conducive to crab farming, but it had not been exploited effectively before his intervention. The NGO introduced mud box crab culturing, a method that allowed for efficient and sustainable crab farming. This initiative provided a new and lucrative source of income for local families, who were trained to manage and maintain crab farms effectively.

  1. Beekeeping is another area where Mustafa’s NGO has made a significant impact. Understanding the importance of bees in agriculture and the potential income from honey production, the NGO introduced beekeeping to the Sundarbans. Farmers were trained in modern beekeeping techniques, including hive management, honey extraction, and marketing. The introduction of beekeeping not only provided an additional income source but also enhanced the agricultural productivity of the region through improved pollination. The honey produced in the Sundarbans gained recognition for its quality, opening up new market opportunities for the farmers. His NGO also facilitated the establishment of supply chains, ensuring that the honey reached consumers efficiently.
  2. Goat farming has been another successful initiative under his guidance. Recognizing the potential of goat farming to provide a steady income, especially for women, the NGO distributed 5,000 goats to local families. The initiative focused on training women in goat rearing, empowering them to contribute significantly to their household income. The training included knowledge on proper feeding, healthcare, and breeding practices, ensuring the goats’ health and productivity. Goat farming not only provided a regular income through the sale of milk, meat, and offspring but also improved the nutritional status of the families involved. His holistic approach ensured that the beneficiaries received continuous support and guidance, making goat farming a sustainable and profitable venture.




Mr. Golam Mustafa’s dedicated efforts in social work and rural development have earned him several prestigious awards. His significant contributions have been recognized by institutions such as the ICAR-National Bureau of Fish Genetic Resource-NBFGR, Lucknow, ICAR-CIFRI BARRACPORE, ICAR-CIFE, UNITED NATION-REAL LIFE HERO AWARD,  Additionally, he has been honored by the State Bank of India (SBI) for his impactful initiatives. His work in improving agricultural practices and livelihoods in the Sundarbans has been particularly notable. The Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) acknowledged his innovative approaches to sustainable agriculture and fish culture. His commitment to enhancing the living standards of the impoverished communities in the region led to him receiving the Best Livelihood Award. Furthermore, Minister- Sadhan Pandey (Govt. of West Bengal) and Dr. M V Rao IAS Officer recognized his efforts in providing support and development opportunities in areas often neglected by mainstream initiatives. These accolades highlight his unwavering dedication to social progress and community empowerment.


  • Farmers, who previously had limited access to markets and struggled with shifting pricing, now had a dependable support structure to help them manage the difficulties of agricultural trading. Mr. Golam Mustafa’s farmer producing company, with ability to connect with exporters generated new revenue streams, allowed farmers to benefit from increased pricing in overseas markets.
  • By focusing soil testing, market access, and export potential, he has considerably improved the livelihoods of many Sundarbans farmers.
  • His NGO promoted a more sustainable and successful agricultural sector by teaching farmers and giving them with the necessary tools and connections, resulting in long-term benefits for the community.
  • By encouraging farmers to plant coffee beans on spare land near their homes, he diversified their income sources, making the local economy more resilient and less dependent on a single crop.
  • The NGO also conducted awareness programs to guide women in taking legal action against domestic violence and raising awareness about women and child trafficking and child labor. These initiatives empowered women, making them confident and self-reliant.
  • The NGO conducted extensive soil testing, giving farmers detailed information about their soil’s condition and necessary amendments. This led to more informed and productive farming techniques, reducing the dependency on chemical fertilizers and promoting sustainable agriculture.
  • By acting as intermediaries, his NGO supported farmers in reaching a larger consumer base, enhancing their export business. They established a profitable farmer producer company involving around 65,000-75,000 farmers, ensuring that farmers could sell their products at reasonable prices.
  • He introduced scientific fish culture practices and mud box crab culturing in the Sundarbans. These initiatives provided sustainable income sources for local families, who were trained to manage and maintain fish and crab farms effectively.
  • He introduced beekeeping, recognizing its potential for income from honey production and its role in improving agricultural productivity through pollination. Farmers were trained in modern beekeeping techniques, ensuring high-quality honey production and opening new market opportunities.
  • He allocated 500 volunteers to various villages and regions across 72 districts, including Darjeeling, Milapur, Howrah, Siliguri, Kurseong, and Mirik. This extensive volunteer network supported local communities in various development initiatives.
  • Through his NGO, he distributed 5,000 goats to local families, focusing on training women in goat rearing. This initiative provided a steady income through the sale of milk, meat, and offspring, improving household income and nutrition.
  • His efforts successfully convinced the National Botanical Institute to invest in West Bengal for floriculture. His efforts led to the cultivation of Gerbera flowers by 100 farmers, transforming floriculture into a profitable industry in the region.
  • He involved 50,000 people in Capacity Building Schemes under the Digital India programme. These schemes focused on food, agriculture, forestry, and fisheries sectors, enhancing skills and building capacities at all government levels.
  • He identified the potential of underutilized local fruits and initiated jam production. The NGO trained local women in jam production, providing equipment and resources. This created a new source of income for women and added value to the region’s fruit resources, improving their socio-economic status.





Comprehensive Rural Development Activities adjoining villages, Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Horticulture, being the major economic activities in those days in Hill area’s, Coffee Cultivation , Large Cardamom and animal husbandry development activities was taken care for income generation. It is accepted by the farmers now a days, there should be a diversification of crops . Sundarban Dream took their objective with special thrust on agriculture and allied activities and Skill Development.


Governing Body

G. Mustafa (General Secretary and Founder)
Harekrishna Mondal- President, Vill & P.O-Sahebkhali, Dist- North 24 Pgs
Smt. Bandhabi Mondal- Treasurer , Vill & P.O-Sahebkhali, Dist- North 24 Pgs
Smt. Susmita Mondal- Asst. Secretary, Vill-Deuli P.O-Deuli Pukuriya , Dist-North24 Pgs
Abdul Sattar-11Nanda Ghosh Road, Howrah-711101
Dilip Khati-Manju TE, Daragaon, Mirik, Darjeelin

Advisory Committee

Dr. Padma Kanti Dwebedi, Rtd. Regional Director, PDS& Food Supply, Gov. of India.
Mr. Dillip Khuntia, Bhubaneswar,Odisha.
Dr. Rabindranath Mandal, Jogeshganj, Sundarban.
Mr. Manoj Kanti Mandal. Jogeshganj, Sundarban


An ideal health conscious society without poverty, illiteracy, injustice, pollution, superstition and to agree equal socio-economic right and dignity.


Alleviating poverty by making people economically self reliant.
Providing education to all.
Awakening people against women and child trafficking and child labour.
Creating pollution awareness among the people.
Health Consciousness.
To make people believe that superstition is a curse.

Focused Groups:

Poor,marginalized and deprived people with special emphasis on women, children, Scheduled Caste, Schedules Tribes, others back class minority communities.

Sundarban Dream act as Resource Institution (RI) under Small Farmers Agri-Business Consortium (SFAC) under Ministry of Agriculture , Cooperation & Farmers Welfare, Government of India for Farmers Producer Organization(FPOs)

Training Partner under Paschim Banga Society for Skill Development (PBSSD), Department of Technical Education and Skill Development,  Govt. of West Bengal.

Registration of Consumer Advocacy Group with Telecom Regulatory of India (TRAI), Government of India.